This American Life

Overwhelming. That’s the word most Returned Peace Corps Volunteers would use when describing what it’s like to transition from service to life back home, a period referred to as readjustment. And we are often told that readjustment is harder than the initial adjustment to life in your host country. It’s overwhelming when you feel you…

Motorcycle Diaries & Machu Picchu

On his adventure through the South American continent and documented in his famed Motorcycle Diaries,  revolutionary Che Guevara noted that the majority of the American tourists know Peru for nothing more than Machu Picchu – often going coming to the country to simply visit the ruins without paying attention to anything else the country has…

Mile 26

Most of you who know me personally know I’ve been back in the States for about a month and a half now. I knew I left Peru with this blog unfinished but I wanted some time to decompress from Peru before revisiting the end of my experience for the blog. Anywho, I’ve successfully decompressed and…

My Peace Corps Service, A Soundtrack

No, I didn’t forget about this blog. It’s not that I stopped having things to share about my experience but more like low morale didn’t really inspire me to write.  But alas, dear readers, after much reflecting and an ending sight, I’m back! And I’m here to drop this new hot fire that is my…

5 Diversity and Inclusion Lessons Learned in the Peace Corps

Throughout my Peace Corps experience, I have been extremely lucky to have participated in and co-facilitated a bunch of intercultural competency, diversity and inclusion trainings. One of the things I love most about Peace Corps Peru is that it truly understands the need to talk about these issues with volunteers and staff members. Most importantly,…

When In Lima, Eat Like A Peace Corps Volunteer

When I first arrived in Peru, I was in no way shape or form impressed with Lima. It wasn’t the pretty colonial city I had imagined in my head and for the longest time I thought I would never really feel the need to go there. Fast forward, to a couple of months in site…

Peace Corps Level Care For Natural Hair

If you’re a typical natural who’s just been accepted to Peace Corps, one of the first things you probably thought was, “Lord, what am I gonna do with this hair?” Will my favorite products be available? Will I wear my hair out or protective style? Who will do my maintenance trims? Just thinking about it…

Thank You: From a Black Peace Corps Volunteer to a Black President

On October 11,  2008, I woke up in the middle of the night to stand outside and wait for the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to speak. I had read all of his books, kept all the important newspaper clippings, obsessively watched CNN, and could tell you random facts like, “Did you know that Senator…

Rhythm, Color, Flavor: Le Dije a Papa by Eva Ayllón

Ritmo, Color, y Sabor – Popular Afro Peruvian singer Eva Ayllon had that right when she sang her famous song. Musica Criolla – a type of music that is popular on the coast and is influenced by African, European, and Andean music – is filled with rhythm, color, and flavor. I mean, there is even…

26 Pictures From 2016

Wow. Long time, no blog. Seriously, I think this is the longest time I have gone without posting – I suppose every writer is allowed writers block right? Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I spent this holiday season in the States with my family and without the Peruvian Christmas tradition of paneton (ask me if I’m…